Finite-domain variables

A finite domain is a set of ground terms that is given as a list. The special notation Begin..Step..End denotes the set of integers $\{B_1,B_2,\ldots,B_k\}$, where B1=Begin, Bi = Bi-1+Step for i=2,...,k, $B_k \le End$, and Bk+Step>End. When the increment Step is 1, the notation can be abbreviated as Begin..End. For example, the notation 1..2..10 refers to the list [1,3,5,7,9], and 1..3 refers to the list [1,2,3].

The following primitives are available for integer domain variables. As domain variables are also suspension variables, primitives on suspension variables, such as frozen/1, can also be applied to domain variables.

Neng-Fa Zhou 2013-01-25