
To install B-Prolog on a Linux machine, follow the following steps:
  1. Download the file bp78_linux.tar.gz, and store it in your home directory.
  2. Uncompress bp78_linux.tar.gz, and extract the files by typing
          gunzip bp78_linux.tar.gz | tar xfv -
  3. Add the following line to the script file .cshrc, .bshrc, or .kshrc, depending on the shell that you use:
          alias   bp       '$HOME/BProlog/bp'
    This enables you to start B-Prolog from any working directory.
Note that, if B-Prolog is installed in a directory other than your home directory, you should change the script file bp in the BProlog directory.

Neng-Fa Zhou 2013-01-25