/* File : TIDY.PL
Author : R.A.O'Keefe
Updated: 2 June 1984
Purpose: Limited algebraic expression simplifier.
This is a new implementation of tidy, written in an attempt to remedy
some of the deficiencies of the old one. Unfortunately, it has a few
of its own. The only completely satisfactory approach seems to be to
keep all expressions in bag form all the time.
Tidy has now been split into two parts: tidy_stmt and tidy_expr.
::= # % disjunction
| & % conjunction
| R % equation/inequality
where R is one of = < > \= >= =<
An is an ordinary algebraic expression. Statements are scanned
top-down, and no great effort is expended on them beyond a limited bit
of evaluation. Expressions are scanned bottom-up, and are worked hard.
Tidy_stmt works from top down. It doesn't bother putting statements in
bag form, although since & (and) and # (or) are both commutative and
associative it could well do so. It does however do some flattening of
statements: (E1 & E2) & E3 -> E1 & (E2 & E3). This can do no harm. As
an experiment, tidy_stmt tries to put constants on the right-hand-sides
of equations. E.g. "x+y-3 = 0" -> "x+y = 3". Just how useful this may
be remains to be seen. The code for combine_and and combine_or comes
almost directly from the original tidy.
The intermediate form makes use of a different representation of bags.
A plus (times) bag is stored as +(Tree, Hole, Num) {*(Tree, Hole, Num)}.
For example, a+b+c+3 would be stored as
+( + , X, 3)
/ \
+ c
/ \
+ b
/ \
X a
::= + | - | -
| * | /
| ^ | sqrt()
| (,...)
| <atom> -- algebraic variable
| -- treated like an atom
| -- including rational numbers
::= {like , but only the first column. Also,
numeric fragments are combined where possible, and sums
and products are flattened.}
<baggy expr> ::= +(Tree, Hole, Num)
| *(Tree, Hole, Num)
| ^
BUG: if the exponent of a term eventually simplifies to 1, the base
emerges as a , rather than a . Hence some
simplifications will be missed. E.g. "(1+x)^(-1)^(-1) + -1" will end
up as "(1+x) + -1" rather than as "x". There appears to be no easy
way around this problem, though keeping the base as a
may yet prove to be feasible. In any case, the new tidy only has this
problem with exponents, which are generally fairly simple.
Tidy requires simple/1 and copy_ground/3 from STRUCT.PL.
[2 June 1984] Bug fix: the user has always been able to add its
own rewrite rules in the form simplify_axiom(Lhs, Rhs), e.g.
simplify_axiom(X^log(X,Y), Y). The result of this rewrite was
assumed to be tidy, which was not always true. The result is
now retidied. This could lead to looping, where the user's rules
undo something that tidy does. Look at your intended use of this
hook, and decided whether to do retidying or not. A related bug
was that simplify_axiom was not called for powers.
:- public
tidy/2, % general interface
tidy_withvars/2, % same as tidy_expr
tidy_expr/2, % tidy an expression
tidy_stmt/2. % tidy a statement.
:- mode
bag_to_tidy(+,-), % F(T,H,N) -> T'
combine_and(+,+,-), % X,Y -> X&Y
combine_bags(+,-), % apply op to baggy arguments
combine_or(+,+,-), % X,Y -> X#Y
combine_power(+,+,-), % X,Y -> X^Y
combine_plus(+,+,-), % X,Y -> X+Y
combine_rel(+,+,-,-), % X(R)Y -> X'(R)Y'
combine_times(+,+,-), % X,Y -> X*Y
expr_to_bag(+,-), % ->
expr_to_bag(+,+,+,+,-), % map down args of
multiply_exp(+,+,-), % X,N -> N*X
multiply_out(+,+,-), % N,X -> N*X
multiply_out(+,-,+,-), % +(T,H),N -> +(T*N,H)
number_check(+,+,-), % maintain number-p accum
power_out(+,-,+,-), % *(T,H),N -> *(T^N,H)
relop_tidy(-,+,+,+), % R,X,Y -> X(R)Y or true/false
tidy_expr(+,-), % tidy expression
tidy_stmt(+,-), % tidy statement
user_tidy(+,-). % invoke user's simplify_axioms.
% Operator declarations from util.ops
:- op(950,xfy,#). % Used for disjunction
:- op(920,xfy,&).
:- op(700,xfx,\=).
tidy(Old, New) :-
tidy_stmt(Old, Mid), !, New = Mid. % which now tries tidy_expr
tidy(Old, Old) :-
write('** failed: '), write(tidy(Old, '_')), nl.
tidy_withvars(Old, New) :-
copy_ground(Old, Ground, Subst),
tidy(Ground, Tidier),
subst(Subst, Tidier, Mid), !,
New = Mid.
tidy_stmt(Var, _) :- % don't do anything with variables
var(Var), !, fail.
tidy_stmt(OldOne # OldTwo, New) :- !,
tidy_stmt(OldOne, MidOne),
tidy_stmt(OldTwo, MidTwo), !,
combine_or(MidOne, MidTwo, New).
tidy_stmt(OldOne & OldTwo, New) :- !,
tidy_stmt(OldOne, MidOne),
tidy_stmt(OldTwo, MidTwo), !,
combine_and(MidOne, MidTwo, New).
tidy_stmt(Equation, New) :-
tidy_relop(Equation, Relation, OldLhs, OldRhs),
expr_to_bag(OldLhs, MidLhs),
expr_to_bag(OldRhs, MidRhs),
combine_rel(MidLhs, MidRhs, NewLhs, NewRhs), !,
relop_tidy(New, Relation, NewLhs, NewRhs).
tidy_stmt(Old, New) :-
tidy_expr(Old, New).
combine_or(true, _, true) :- !. % zero element
combine_or(false, Y, Y) :- !. % unit element
combine_or(_, true, true) :- !. % zero element
combine_or(X, false, X) :- !. % unit element
combine_or(X, X, X) :- !. % merging identical elements
combine_or(W#X, Y, W#(X#Y)) :- !. % change association
combine_or(X, Y, X # Y). % general case
combine_and(false, _, false) :- !. % zero element
combine_and(true, Y, Y) :- !. % unit element
combine_and(_, false, false) :- !. % zero element
combine_and(X, true, X) :- !. % unit element
combine_and(X, X, X) :- !. % merging identical elements
combine_and(W&X, Y, W&(X&Y)) :- !. % change association
combine_and(X, Y, X & Y). % general case
tidy_relop(X = Y, =, X, Y).
tidy_relop(X < Y, <, X, Y).
tidy_relop(X > Y, >, X, Y).
tidy_relop(X =< Y, =<, X, Y).
tidy_relop(X >= Y, >=, X, Y).
tidy_relop(X \= Y, \=, X, Y).
relop_tidy(Value, Relation, Lhs, Rhs) :-
number(Lhs), number(Rhs),
tidy_relop(Goal, Relation, Lhs, Rhs), !,
eval(Goal, Value).
relop_tidy(Goal, Relation, Lhs, Rhs) :-
tidy_relop(Goal, Relation, Lhs, Rhs).
combine_rel(+(T1, H1, N1), +(T2, H2, N2), Lhs, Rhs) :- !,
bag_to_tidy(+(T1, H1, 0), Lhs),
eval(N2-N1, N3),
bag_to_tidy(+(T2, H2, N3), Rhs).
combine_rel(+(T1, H1, N1), N2, Lhs, N3) :-
number(N2), !,
eval(N2-N1, N3),
bag_to_tidy(+(T1, H1, 0), Lhs).
combine_rel(*(T1, H1, N1), *(T2, H2, N2), Lhs, Rhs) :-
eval(N1 > 0), !,
bag_to_tidy(*(T1, H1, 1), Lhs),
eval(N2/N1, N3),
bag_to_tidy(*(T2, H2, N3), Rhs).
combine_rel(*(T1, H1, N1), N2, Lhs, N3) :-
eval(N1 > 0), !,
eval(N2/N1, N3),
bag_to_tidy(*(T1, H1, 1), Lhs).
combine_rel(E1, E2, Lhs, Rhs) :-
bag_to_tidy(E1, Lhs),
bag_to_tidy(E2, Rhs).
tidy_expr(Old, New) :-
expr_to_bag(Old, Mid), !,
bag_to_tidy(Mid, New).
expr_to_bag(Var, _) :- % do nothing with variables
var(Var), !, fail.
expr_to_bag(Old, Old) :-
simple(Old), !.
expr_to_bag(Old, New) :-
functor(Old, F, N),
functor(Mid, F, N),
expr_to_bag(N, Old, Mid, yes, New).
expr_to_bag(0, _, Mid, yes, New) :- !,
eval(Mid, New).
expr_to_bag(0, _, Mid, no, New) :-
combine_bags(Mid, New).
expr_to_bag(N, Old, Mid, EvalP, New) :-
arg(N, Old, OldN),
expr_to_bag(OldN, MidN),
arg(N, Mid, MidN),
number_check(MidN, EvalP, EvalQ),
M is N-1, !,
expr_to_bag(M, Old, Mid, EvalQ, New).
number_check(N, EvalP, EvalP) :-
number(N), !.
number_check(_, _, no). % not a number
combine_bags(X+Y, New) :- !,
combine_plus(X, Y, New).
combine_bags(X-Y, New) :-
multiply_out(-1, Y, Z), !,
combine_plus(X, Z, New).
combine_bags(-Y, New) :- !,
multiply_out(-1, Y, New).
combine_bags(X*Y, New) :- !,
combine_times(X, Y, New).
combine_bags(X/Y, New) :- !,
power_out(Y, -1, Z),
combine_times(X, Z, New).
combine_bags(X^Y, New) :- !,
combine_power(X, Y, Mid),
user_tidy(Mid, New).
combine_bags(Old, New) :-
functor(Old, F, N),
functor(Mid, F, N),
bag_to_tidy(N, Old, Mid),
user_tidy(Mid, New).
user_tidy(Expr, Bag) :- % apply user's rules
simplify_axiom(Expr, Rewritten),
!, % omit expr_to_bag call if the
expr_to_bag(Rewritten, Bag). % Rewritten form is always tidy.
user_tidy(Expr, Expr).
bag_to_tidy(0, _, _) :- !.
bag_to_tidy(N, Old, Mid) :-
arg(N, Old, OldN),
bag_to_tidy(OldN, MidN),
arg(N, Mid, MidN),
M is N-1, !,
bag_to_tidy(M, Old, Mid).
bag_to_tidy(+(T+R, R, 0), T) :- !.
bag_to_tidy(+( T , N, N), T) :- !.
bag_to_tidy(*( _, _, 0), 0) :- !.
bag_to_tidy(*(T*R, R, 1), T) :- !.
bag_to_tidy(*( T , N, N), T) :- !.
bag_to_tidy(_^0, 1) :- !. % B^0 = 1
bag_to_tidy(0^_, 0) :- !. % 0^X = 0
bag_to_tidy(1^_, 1) :- !. % 1^X = 1
bag_to_tidy(B^1, B) :- !. % B^1 = B (B already )
bag_to_tidy(M^ *(T*R,R,N), B^T) :- % M^(N*X) = (M^N)^X
power(M, N, B), !.
bag_to_tidy(B^X, B^T) :- !, % B^X, where X is
bag_to_tidy(X, T).
bag_to_tidy(*(_, _, _), _).
bag_to_tidy(Old, Old).
combine_plus(+(T1, H1, N1), +(T2, T1, N2), +(T2, H1, N3)) :- !,
add(N1, N2, N3).
combine_plus(+(T1, H1, N1), N2, +(T1, H1, N3)) :-
number(N2), !,
add(N1, N2, N3).
combine_plus(+(T1, H1, N1), E2, +(T1+E4, H1, N1)) :- !,
bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
combine_plus(0, E2, E2) :- !.
combine_plus(N1, +(T2, H2, N2), +(T2, H2, N3)) :-
number(N1), !,
add(N1, N2, N3).
combine_plus(E1, +(T2, H2, N2), +(T2+E3, H2, N2)) :- !,
bag_to_tidy(E1, E3).
combine_plus(E1, 0, E1) :- !.
combine_plus(E1, N2, +(H+E3, H, N2)) :-
number(N2), !,
bag_to_tidy(E1, E3).
combine_plus(N1, E2, +(H+E4, H, N1)) :-
number(N1), !,
bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
combine_plus(E1, E2, +((H+E3)+E4, H, 0)) :-
bag_to_tidy(E1, E3),
bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
combine_times(*(T1, H1, N1), *(T2, T1, N2), *(T2, H1, N3)) :- !,
multiply(N1, N2, N3).
combine_times(N1, E2, Ans) :-
number(N1), !,
multiply_out(N1, E2, Ans).
combine_times(E1, N2, Ans) :-
number(N2), !,
multiply_out(N2, E1, Ans).
combine_times(*(T1, H1, N1), E2, *(T1*E4, H1, N1)) :- !,
bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
combine_times(E1, *(T2, H2, N2), *(T2*E3, H2, N2)) :- !,
bag_to_tidy(E1, E3).
combine_times(E1, E2, *((H*E3)*E4, H, 1)) :-
bag_to_tidy(E1, E3),
bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
multiply_out(0, _, 0) :- !.
multiply_out(1, Old, Old) :- !.
/* The next clause has been replaced by the two following clauses for the
sake of Press and attraction. This clause is correct, but alas, when
attraction moves a number out (N*X+N*X)->N*(X+X) tidy moves it back in.
multiply_out(N, +(OldTree, Hole, OldNum), +(NewTree, Hole, NewNum)) :-
multiply(N, OldNum, NewNum), !,
multiply_out(OldTree, Hole, N, NewTree).
multiply_out(-1, +(OldTree, Hole, OldNum), +(NewTree, Hole, NewNum)) :-
multiply(-1, OldNum, NewNum), !,
multiply_out(OldTree, Hole, -1, NewTree).
multiply_out(N, +(OldTree, Hole, OldNum), +(NewHole+N*Exp, NewHole, NewNum)) :-
multiply(N, OldNum, NewNum), !,
bag_to_tidy(+(OldTree, Hole, 0), Exp).
multiply_out(N, *(OldTree, Hole, OldNum), *(OldTree, Hole, NewNum)) :- !,
multiply(N, OldNum, NewNum).
multiply_out(N, M, P) :-
number(M), !,
multiply(N, M, P).
multiply_out(N, Old, *(Hole*Exp, Hole, N)) :- !,
bag_to_tidy(Old, Exp).
multiply_out(Bottom, Hole, _, Bottom) :-
Bottom == Hole.
multiply_out(OldX + OldY, Hole, N, NewX + NewY) :-
multiply_exp(OldY, N, NewY), !,
multiply_out(OldX, Hole, N, NewX).
multiply_exp(OldX * OldY, N, NewX * OldY) :- !,
multiply_exp(OldX, N, NewX).
multiply_exp(OldX + OldY, N, NewX + NewY) :-
multiply_exp(OldY, N, NewY), !,
multiply_exp(OldX, N, NewX).
multiply_exp(OldNum, N, NewNum) :-
number(OldNum), !,
multiply(N, OldNum, NewNum).
multiply_exp(Old, N, N*Old).
combine_power(B^E1, E2, B^E3) :- !,
combine_times(E1, E2, E3).
combine_power(B, N2, Ans) :-
number(N2), !,
power_out(B, N2, Ans).
combine_power(E1, E2, E3^E4) :-
bag_to_tidy(E1, E3), !,
bag_to_tidy(E2, E4).
power_out(_, 0, 1) :- !.
power_out(B, 1, B) :- !.
power_out(B^E1, P, B^E2) :- !,
multiply_out(P, E1, E2).
power_out(*(H1*T1, H1, 1), P, Ans) :-
var(H1), !,
power_out(T1, P, Ans).
power_out(*(T1, H1, N1), P, *(T2, H1, N2)) :-
power(N1, P, N2), !,
power_out(T1, H1, P, T2).
power_out(*(T1, H2*N1, N1), P, *(T2, H2, 1)) :- !,
power_out(T1, H2, P, T2).
power_out(+(H0+T1, H1, 0), P, Ans) :-
H0 == H1 /*DRAT*/, !,
power_out(T1, P, Ans).
power_out(N, P, M) :-
power(N, P, M), !.
power_out(B, P, E^P) :-
bag_to_tidy(B, E).
power_out(Bottom, Hole, _, Bottom) :-
Bottom == Hole, !.
power_out(OldX * (OldB^OldP), Hole, Num, NewX * NewB) :-
multiply_exp(OldP, Num, NewP),
( NewP = 1, NewB = OldB
; NewB = OldB^NewP
), !,
power_out(OldX, Hole, Num, NewX).
power_out(OldX * OldY, Hole, Num, NewX * (OldY^Num)) :- !,
power_out(OldX, Hole, Num, NewX).